我的ipod video常當機!你們的會這樣嗎? - 數碼 - iPod - 數碼 - 數碼器材綜合討論 - @KTzone 買的兩年的 ipod給我的感覺是很不好用我的 ipod video常 當機!你們的會這樣嗎?常常聽到一半 當機 ...
[救急] iPod video 當機... - Mobile01 當初貪容量大, 買了60G 的iPod video , 空間用不完就拿來當隨身碟; 我把案...
~我的IPOD MINI 不動了啦~ (第1頁) - iPod - Mobile01 By the way, my iPod video froze last time and I called the iPod. Then I found out that the reset ... 我的ipod video剛剛當機...還好解圍了. 無圖示.
IPOD老是當機~~why? (第1頁) - iPod - Mobile01 如題... 真不知為什麼我的ipod video常常會當機有時候把他接到PB時就會當機完全 不動...
ipod video常常當機耶- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 2006年4月2日 ... 如題~我ㄉIPOD VIDEO買了快兩個月沒摔過但是常常會當機~也不能重整~只能把它 放著放到沒電自己關機要怎麼辦.
鍵盤賣魚俠:ipod video 分屍記- 樂多日誌 2010年9月4日 ... ipod video 分屍記. 購於三年半前80g. 在買了一年之後開始有插拔usb會很久才恢復 的現象. 要畢業前開始會聽一聽當機. 昨天從新竹拿回來開看看 ...
[iPod] VIDEO當機- 看板iPod - 批踢踢實業坊 話說我的VIDEO陪伴我很多年了除了蓄電量不足外都沒有什麼大問題2小時前一如往 常用旅充幫他充電剛剛發現他好像當機了= =
Reset or Restart a Frozen iPod Video in 3 Easy Steps But don't worry, that doesn't mean it's time to buy a new iPod; your current one is probably fine. It just needs to be restarted. Luckily, resetting a frozen iPod video ...
Does your video crash? | Apple Support Communities I did delete the movie(s) and put them back on my touch and it wouldn't crash at that part anymore, weird? Anyway, is ... I'm starting to think the problem is with itunes and not the ipod. When I dual ... Video crashes, and some songs skip.